🛒How to trade

Trading with pixeltmarket gives players a way to exchange their Pixel Tycoons nfts with others from the collection that they may find more useful.

Buying - available to all players:

  1. Request a Trade with pixeltmarket (https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/account/pixeltmarket), offering the correct amount of copper coins in exchange for the desired NFTs. The price list is available in the next section.

  2. Tag Funkaclau in the Pixel Tycoons Market chat on Telegram whenever you send a trade.

Selling - available to players with licenses:

  1. To sell Farming Adventure NFTs, you must hold a Farmer's License. Selling Collector Adventure NFTs requires a Collector's License, and selling Magic Guild NFTs requires a Silver Magic Pass.

  2. Request a Trade with pixeltmarket (https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/account/pixeltmarket). Pay close attention to the price table and be sure the items you offer are worth the number of copper coins you request.

  3. Tag Funkaclau in the Pixel Tycoons Market chat on Telegram whenever you send a trade.

Trading - available to players with licenses:

  1. To trade Farming Adventure NFTs, you must hold a Farmer's License. Trading Collector Adventure NFTs requires a Collector's License, and trading Magic Guild NFTs requires a Silver Magic Pass.

  2. Request a Trade with pixeltmarket (https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/account/pixeltmarket) Pay close attention to the price table and be sure the items you offer are worth the same amount of copper coins as the items you request.

  3. Tag Funkaclau on this chat whenever you send a trade.

Last updated