Players who wish to sell to or trade with pixeltmarket must hold the relevant licenses:
Farmer's License is an exclusive reward for the users that blended the Prosperous Farmer NFT. Limited to 1 per user. Farmer's License holders are able to sell their crops or permaculture items for copper coins or other items available at the pixeltmarket
To obtain a Farmer's Licence, blend the Prosperous Farmer NFT at Nefty. Then, reply to this message in the Pixel Tycoons Market, and include the asset ID of your Prosperous Farmer.
Collector's License is an EXCLUSIVE reward for the users that BLENDED the Daring Collector NFT. This asset is not transferable and Limited to 1 per user. License Holders are able to sell any item that their Collectors may find!
To obtain this license, blend Daring Collector at Nefty. Then, reply to this message in the Pixel Tycoons Market, and include the asset ID of your Daring Collector.
For more information, see the Collector's License page in the Collector Adventure section of this guide.
This asset is an NFT that allows Magic Guild researchers to sell their goo to pixeltmarket.
To obtain this NFT, blend three copper Magic Guild membership NFTs, or buy one on the secondary market.
Last updated