
Compost is an organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants. An healthy balance of carbon and nitrogen based ingredients helps increase farming production while eliminating bad odors.

Compost can be crafted in your stash in Collector Adventure. Alternatively, you can use the commissioner bot for a small fee.

How to use compost

  1. Transfer at least one Compost 1 NFT to the pixeltycoons wallet, using farm as the memo.

  1. Go to the farming bot, and run the /deposit command. The bot will look for your transfer and confirm the number of compost deposited, along with any seeds and water you transferred since the previous deposit.

  1. Use the /fertilize command to see a list of your land with active orders. You can also run the /orders command to check which plot can be harvested soonest.

  1. Copy the asset ID of the land you want to fertilize.

  2. Use /fertilize assetid to apply one compost to one land. Replace assetid with the number you copied in step 4.

If you encounter an error, closely read the response from the bot and try again.

You can apply fertilizer to land any time before harvesting. Note that Land Parcel 2 only needs one compost to fertilize both orders.

Last updated